Sunday, February 1, 2009

I've decided to go with...

After careful deliberation and listening to all the feedback from my classmates and friends, I have decided to go with "Looking For Love." I had recorded a pitch for "The Sleeper" and asked my classmates for feedback. They said it was a good story, but LFL was just that much better. One said TS was funny but LFL was a narrative that took the viewer along for the ride. There was a change in that Bishop as compared to the Bishop from "The Sleeper", who seemed to be a guy that stuff happens to.

So now it is time to start working on the storyboards, the set, layout design, and props. I need to start sketching all these things out so they will be ready when I start working in Maya.

By the way, here is my video pitch for "The Sleeper."

I was able to get both pitches in under a minute. I tried to keep the pitches to just the details that would be happening on the screen. That was some of the advice from my mentor. He also said the pitch is to be about as long as the short film will be. We'll see how it all pans out when I start working on the storyboards. For next week, I have to put the first half of the boards together into an animatic. It's basically the storyboards up on reel to see how it plays out.

Now comes the really fun part. The story will soon be locked down and I can start boarding it!

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